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Why is a recent visit not mentioned on my bill?
How do I see my outstanding bills?
Why am I receiving an estimate?
I can’t afford to pay my bill right now, what should I do?
Why did insurance deny my claim?
How much did insurance cover on my bill?
When is my payment due?
How do I make a payment?
Am I eligible for financial assistance?
Browse help topics
Make payments
What payment methods can I use?
I can’t afford to pay my bill right now, what should I do?
What if I don't want to put my credit card info into a website?
How do I pay for just some of my bills?
What do I do if I have a dispute on my bill?
How do I make a payment?
Am I eligible for financial assistance?
How do I set up a payment plan?
Update account
Why do I need to log in?
How do I change my contact information?
How do I log in?
How do I update my billing notifications?
Review balance
Why is a recent visit not mentioned on my bill?
How do I see my outstanding bills?
Why am I receiving multiple bills for the same visit?
What does it mean if my bill is marked as "In Collections"?
What if I received a bill for someone else?
Why am I being charged by a provider I didn't see?
When is my payment due?
Review insurance coverage
What is a premium?
What is an insurance adjustment?
What is a deductible?
What is an out-of-pocket maximum?
What is a copay?
What is coinsurance?
Why did insurance deny my claim?
How do I add or change my insurance?
What if my (or a family member’s) insurance has changed (or will be changing)?
How much have I paid toward my deductible?
How much did insurance cover on my bill?
What do I do if my insurance wasn’t billed?
Am I paying Cedar, or am I paying my healthcare provider?
Does Cedar charge a fee to patients?
Why is Cedar appearing on my billing statement?
Who is Cedar?
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